Monday, September 26, 2011

UPDATE: New videos

C4 Fishing Team is back! 

It has been a while since we blogged but don't worry because we have loads to share with you our fellow readers!  Since our last blog we have gone on many fishing adventures.  In the most recent videos we have made  we display some of the biggest Peacock Bass we have caught to date by now you must be getting anxious to see these videos, so if you'd like you can scroll down and watch the couple of videos we have posted for your viewing pleasure.  Now for those of who have stuck around we want you to remind you that our mini movie that we promised to make is coming along great and for those new readers joining us for the first time we will post the teaser video to our mini movie.  Before we leave our fellow readers for the day we thank you for stopping by our blog and taking the time to read it and we apologize for not blogging on weekly basis and once again Thank You for stopping by.  Enjoy the videos posted below!




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